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3 Reasons Not to Diet While at Summer Camp

3 Reasons Not to Diet While at Summer Camp


If you are a preteen or teenager, it is common to become concerned about your body image and begin dieting. While dieting during the teenage years can be problematic at any time, during summer camp you should definitely avoid restricting calories by dieting. There are several reasons why dieting is a bad idea at camp:

3 Reasons Kids and Teens Should Not to Diet While at Summer Camp

1. You'll Need Extra Energy for Your Activities

Summer camp schedules are often packed with physical activities. After waking up early in the morning, there will usually be hiking around the camp to meals and activities, mixed with sports, games, and adventure activities. In the evening, you may stay up late at campfire gatherings or working on skits with your bunk mates. 

All of these activities require extra energy. For this reason you should make sure to eat during every meal and snack time.

2. You'll Have the Opportunity to Try Several Healthy Foods

Most camps offer balanced meals with healthy options. Salad bars are commonly offered during meal times and for snacks, fruits have replaced junk food. This makes it easy to make healthy food choices while you are at camp.

Additionally, many camps are proud to offer a diverse camp menu. This means that you may get to try international cuisine or foods that are unique to the camp you are attending. You wont want to miss out on the experience of trying new foods just because you are dieting.

3. Most Camps Do Not Allow Dieting

Most camp counselors are trained to detect extreme dieting in their campers. If your counselor notices that you are skipping meals or eating very little at most meals, they will likely talk to you about your food experience at camp. They may offer alternatives for you to try, but if you refuse to eat anything it is likely that the camp director will get involved and your parents may be called.

While it is important to make healthy food choices, you should avoid extreme dieting, especially at summer camp. If you have the problems with the food offered at camp or special dietary needs, you can talk to your camp counselor or the camp director about them.


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