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Teen Coding Camp: Social Media Tools - Salem, OR

Teen Coding Camp: Social Media Tools - Salem, OR

Teen Coding Camp: Social Media Tools - Salem, OR
Apr 04

Teen Coding Camp: Social Media Tools - Salem, OR

Middle and high school-aged youth are invited to participate in an eight-week online coding camp with a focus on social media tools. This class occurs on Wednesdays from April 4 to May 30. You'll get a great introduction to how to code social media profiles, drawing, filters, quizzes, videos, and more. This is a Google CS First curriculum that uses Scratch to build an array of tools often used in social media platforms. This is a basic class designed to teach beginning coding. Teen Scene staff and volunteers act as gurus as the students move through the curriculum. Sign up is a commitment to attend each of the session - 3:30–5 p.m. April 4, 11, 25, and May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. (NOTE: There will be no Coding Camp on Wednesday, April 18). Seating is limited for this free Coding Camp. This program fills very quickly, so sign-up is a must and early sign-up is highly encouraged. Sign up online using the link below: or at the Teen Scene Ask Here Desk.

when: April 4 @ 3:30pm - 5pm
where: Salem Public Library (Salem, OR), 585 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR, 97301 (map)
category: Teen Camps


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