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IDYCA Orientation--Pierce campus - Pierce, ID

IDYCA Orientation--Pierce campus - Pierce, ID

IDYCA Orientation--Pierce campus - Pierce, ID
Dec 02

IDYCA Orientation--Pierce campus - Pierce, ID

This event is important for those North Idaho residents who are interested in attending IDYCA class 2018-1, which starts January 13th. IDYCA staff will provide information and paperwork, as well as conducting interviews of prospective enrollees. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. This event is also open to those just wanting to learn more about the program.

when: December 2 @ 12pm - 2:30pm
where: NGYCP-Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy, 117 Timberline Dr, Pierce, ID, 83546 (map)
category: Youth Camps


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