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Youth Group Retreat - Athelstane, WI

Youth Group Retreat - Athelstane, WI

Youth Group Retreat - Athelstane, WI
Mar 31

Youth Group Retreat - Athelstane, WI

Crivitz Youth Group will be hosting a weekend retreat starting Friday, March 31 at 6PM until Sunday, April 2 at 11AM. Live Band, game room, food, fellowship. Spending 2 nights in the new dorms/cabins. Snacks served Friday night. Breakfast, lunch and dinner served on Saturday. $60 inculed lodging, food, heat, hot running water, flushing toilets, sunset, sunrise and fresh air. Pack: Sleeping bag/bedding, shower items, Bible. Please invite your youth group and friends!!

when: March 31 @ 6pm - April 2 @ 11am
where: Camp Daniel, W10541 Army Ln, Athelstane, WI (map)
category: Youth Camps


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