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3 Ways Summer Camps Address Modern Teen Issues in 2019

3 Ways Summer Camps Address Modern Teen Issues in 2019


Modern teens tend to have stressful lives and face many challenges that past generations of teens did not face during summer camps. However, new summer camp programs for teens are beginning to shed light on these common issues and help teens discover tools to overcome them. Below are three common teen issues and how summer camps are addressing them. 


Bullying, especially cyber-bullying, is faced by teens and preteens around the globe. While some summer camps have specific programs to address cyber-bullying and internet safety, others opt to use classic summer camp methods to stop bullying. 

Summer camps tend to focus on building self-esteem and helping children recognize when they should speak up for themselves and when they need the assistance of an adult. Most summer camp programs also give your child communication and teamwork skills that can help your child feel confident addressing bullying during its initial stages, before it becomes severe. For example, many summer camps are instituting basic training in, "I Statements", to help children express themselves. 

By living in close quarters with other preteens or teens, your child will learn how to handle conflict and will discover normal boundaries, which can help them identify and stop bullying. 

Eating Disorders

In the U.S., many teens struggle with their eating habits. On one end of the spectrum, obesity has become an epidemic due to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy food choices. On the other end of the spectrum, young men and women are so concerned about their weight that they are severely restricting calories. Summer camps aim to address both of these issues by offering healthy choices and getting kids jump-started with a healthy lifestyle. 

For example, more summer camps are offering healthy snacks throughout the day as well as healthy mealtime choices such as fully stocked salad bars and fruit as a dessert option. They are also following family-style dining, which allows counselors to be more aware of what campers are or are not eating so they can spot problems and address them early. 

The healthy attitudes your preteen or teen learns at summer camp will likely help protect them from future body image issues and struggles with eating disorders. 

Anxiety and Depression

With full schedules and high expectations, many American teens suffer from anxiety and depression. However, summer camps give teens an opportunity to learn self-confidence, explore new activities at their own pace, and unplug from media influences, all of which can help address anxiety and depression in teens. 

Summer camps have benefited teens for generations. There are several ways that modern camps still meet the changing needs of the current generation.


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