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"Stand Up" All Teen Camp - Colville, WA

"Stand Up" All Teen Camp - Colville, WA

"Stand Up" All Teen Camp - Colville, WA
Aug 15

"Stand Up" All Teen Camp - Colville, WA

It’s time to gear up for our 2015 All-Teen Camp at Prince’s Pine, August 16–22, a power-packed, fun-filled, God-glorifying time together. I need your help to get the word out. Please contact me for brochures. I am also appealing for recommendations for boys and girls counselors, staff helpers, a recreation leader, a nurse, a crafts helper and more. You can also go to the Prince’s Pine Christian Camp website ( ) to download copies of the registration forms, or if you need more information. Our theme is “Stand Up,” with a daily focus on brave men and women of God who stood up in the face of power, danger, evil, and fear. On Friday, we will bask in the beauty of God’s creation and just stand in awe! •Monday: “Stand Up to Power” (Moses, Nathan, Mordecai, Esther). •Tuesday: “Stand Up to Danger” (David, Hezekiah, Daniel, Paul). •Wednesday: “Stand Up to Evil” (Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Jesus) •Thursday: “Stand Up to Share” (Peter, Stephen, Paul). •Friday: “Stand in Awe” (Job, David, Jude, and Everyone). Please feel free to contact me for any reason. Please do all you can to give your teens and their friends the opportunity to come this summer. Under His Wing (Psalm 91:4), Joel Solliday Teen Camp Director,

when: August 15 @ 9pm - August 22 @ 9am
where: Camp Prince's Pine, 2580 Pend Oreille Lake Rd, Colville, WA (map)
category: Summer Camps


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