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Kid's Cooking Camp - Chapel Hill, NC

Kid's Cooking Camp - Chapel Hill, NC

Kid's Cooking Camp - Chapel Hill, NC
Jun 20

Kid's Cooking Camp - Chapel Hill, NC

Kids will work with our expert staff and experience an array of foods from around the world through hands-on learning. Recommended ages: 4-10. Each class must be registered for separately. Pre-payment required. $10 per child, per class. All proceeds go to the Whole Kids Foundation. Registration and payment can be made at the Customer Service Desk or by calling (919) 968-1983. All classes are held at 1pm and 3pm in Penguin’s Cafe. Kid’s Cooking Camp themes for the month of June are: June 21: Cookie Making for Dad. June 28: Cheese Tasting

when: June 20 @ 9pm - June 21 @ 11am
where: Whole Foods Market Chapel Hill, 81 S Elliott Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (map)
category: Summer Camps


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