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WBB Jr. - Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

WBB Jr. - Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

WBB Jr. - Entrepreneurship Summer Camp
Jun 17

WBB Jr. - Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

Success is something everyone wants to obtain. However, there's no clearcut roadmap. The Woman Behind The Business® Jr. Program is an introduction to entrepreneurship for girls ages 8-18 years old. Throughout the program young ladies will gain life skills training that will equip them with the tools they need to Walk with Purpose, Speak with Grace, and Act with Confidence. Do you know a young lady between the ages of 8-to-18 that can benefit from learning about entrepreneurship? Well, the ladies of "The Woman Behind The Business" have crafted a week-long summer camp to provide girls the basics to building a business. Participants will learn how to: organize their thoughts and narrow the focus of their business; draft a one-sheeter business plan; and pitch their business in front of an audience.  Attendees will receive snacks, lunch, and a dynamic opportunity to meet like minded young ladies interested in learning about business (from real business women). Overview of Camp Schedule: * Walk with Purpose: Finding your purpose and walking in it* Mind Your Business: What you need to know about building a business* Act with Confidence: Knowing who you are & the foundation of Executive Presence* Speak with Grace: The power of the tongue and using it for good* Business Pitch: Parents and Friends are welcome to join the Pitch Session Closeout Camp will take place M-F - 9AM - 3PM

when: June 17 @ 9am - June 21 @ 3pm
where: 1031 N Vermont St, Arlington, VA, 22201 (map)
category: Summer Camp Events


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