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Kid's Art Camp Ages 6-12 Early Afternoon - Wellston, OH

Kid's Art Camp Ages 6-12 Early Afternoon - Wellston, OH

Kid's Art Camp Ages 6-12 Early Afternoon - Wellston, OH
Jul 26

Kid's Art Camp Ages 6-12 Early Afternoon - Wellston, OH

July 26-28 from 4:00 pm- 8:00 pm each day. Register your kiddos now for the July Art Camp. Three days of art lessons, group projects and hands on fun. Kids ages 6-12. . Snacks will be provided. Price is $75.00 per child. Must receive registration and fee no later than July 18 to guarantee spot. Please send child's name, age, address and phone number to [email protected] along with preferred payment method. Payments accepted via our website at or mail check to 15. South Ohio Ave. Wellston, Ohio 45692.

when: July 26 @ 4pm - July 28 @ 8pm
where: Endless Art-A Grafix by Hager Studio, 15 Ohio Ave, Wellston, OH, 45692 (map)
category: Kid Camps


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